Chemicals, Flammables & Explosives / Classification of Dangerous Goods, IMDG Code & Labels

Chemical products have an indispensable importance as raw materials in many sectors. However, since these products are generally classified as hazardous materials, they cannot be handled like other cargo groups. It is only possible to master all the processes in the transportation of chemical, flammable and explosive products with an experienced logistics solution partner in this sector such as Turkon Line. Turkon Line stands by these sectors with its knowledge and skills in every aspect from the transportation of the products to their stowage, from waiting at the port to their storage. Turkon Line, meticulously complies with international environmental standards as well as safety standards. International regulations have been determined for the transportation processes.

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) sets standards for the safety and security of international transport and overseas legal issues. The transportation of dangerous goods by sea is regulated by two main conventions. SOLAS (International Convention for the Safety of the Life at Sea) and MARPOL (International Convention for the Prevention of pollution from Ships).

The IMDG Code was created in the framework of Chapter VII of the SOLAS Convention at the 1960 SOLAS Conference. The IMDG Code was approved by the IMO Maritime Safety Committee ( MSC ) with the recommendation of the governments at the IMO meeting in 1965. It was also made mandatory as of January 1, 2004. The purpose of the IMDG Code is to provide an international standard for the safe transportation of dangerous goods in packaged, container or cargo transportation units as stipulated by the United Nations SOLAS/74 Convention.

Classification of Dangerous Goods and Risk definitions for sea, air, train, land and inland waterways transports are made by the United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods.Dangerous cargoes are numbered and named by giving UN Number and Proper Shipping Name. UN number is the 4-digit number given to dangerous goods by the United Nations (United Nations) in order to easily find the characteristics and stowage requirements of dangerous goods. Example: UN 1203 GASOLINE. Dangerous goods are grouped according to their chemical structures (flammable, pressurized), shapes (solid, liquid, gas) and hazards (explosive, toxic). 9 different dangerous goods classes, which have separate characteristics in terms of life and property safety, are listed below according to international labels and code marks.

Class 1 :Explosive Substances or Objects 
Example :Danger Signs, Fireworks, Detonators, TNT, Dynamite, Nitroglycerin

Class :1.1 Substances and objects with a mass explosion hazard
Class :1.2 Substances and objects that are in danger of exploding, but are not in danger of exploding in mass. 
Class :1.3 Substances and objects that pose a fire hazard or a slight explosion or a slight explosion hazard, but are not a mass explosion hazard.

Symbol :Exploding bomb black
Ground :Orange 
Number & Colour :1 & Black 
Note :**Section location - explosiveness, while the secondary risk will be left blank.
*Compatibility group location - explosiveness, while the secondary risk will be left blank.

Class :1.4 Substances and objects that do not present an obvious hazard

Symbol :Black numbers will be about 30 mm high and 5 mm thick
Ground :Orange
Number & Colour :1 & Black
Note :* Compatibility group location.

Class :1.5 Substances with a mass explosion hazard, but with very little sensitivity

Symbol :Black numbers will be about 30 mm high and 5 mm thick
Ground :Orange
Number & Colour :1 & Black
Note :* Compatibility group location.

Class :1.6 Objects with an extremely low level of sensitivity, without the danger of a mass explosion

Symbol :Black numbers will be about 30 mm high and 5 mm thick
Ground :Orange
Number & Colour :1 & Black
Note :*Compatibility group location.

Class 2 :Gases

Class :2.1 Flammable gases

Symbol :Flame black or white
Ground :Red
Number & Colour :2 & Black or white
Example :Lighter Gas, Ethane, Methane, Propane, Hydrogen, Acetylene

Class :2.2 Non-flammable, non-toxic gases

Symbol :Gas cylinder black or white
Ground :Green
Number & Colour :2 & Black or white
Example :Ammonia, Compressed Oxygen, Argon, Helium, Carbon Dioxide

Class :2.3 Toxic gases

Symbol :Skull and crossbones black 
Ground :White
Number & Colour :2 & Black
Example :Ammonium, Air Gas, Cyanide

Class 3 :Flammable Liquids


Symbol :Flame black or white
Ground :Red
Number & Colour :3 & Black or White
Example :Gasoline, Paint, Ink, Perfume,

Class 4 :Flammable Solids

Class :4.1 Flammable solids, self-reacting substances, solid explosives with reduced sensitivity

Symbol :Flame Black
Ground :Seven vertical red stripes with six white stripes
Number & Colour :4 & Black
Example :Aluminum Powder, Celluloid, Naphthalene, Red Phosphorus, Neft Oil, Matches,

Class :4.2 Substances prone to spontaneous combustion

Symbol :Flame Black
Ground :Upper half white, bottom half red
Number & Colour :4 & Black 
Example :Sodium sulfite, Metal catalysts, Charcoal, Fish Meal, Dried Grass

Class :4.3 Substances that release flammable gases when in contact with water

Symbol :Flame Black or white
Ground :Blue
Number & Colour :4 & Black or white
Example :Calcium, Magnesium, Alkaline Alloys, Barium, Carbide, Natrium

Class 5 :Oxidizer / Oxidizing Substances and Organic Peroxides

Class :5.1 Oxidizer / Oxidizing substances

Symbol :Flame on circle black
Ground :Yellow 
Number & Colour :5.1 & Black
Example :Oxygen producing chemicals, Nitrate, Artificial Fertilizer, Ammonium Sulfate

Class :5.2 Organic peroxides

Symbol :Flame Black or white
Ground :Upper half red, bottom half yellow
Number & Colour :5.2 & Black
Example :Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide, Hair dyes, Body pastes, Benzol peroxide, Hydrogen peroxide 

Class 6 :Toxic Substances and Infectious Substances

Class :6.1 Toxic substances

Symbol :Skull and crossbones black
Ground :White
Number & Colour :6 & Black
Example :Pesticides, Disinfectants, Rat poison, Mercury compounds, Nicotine, Lead 

Class :6.2 Infectious substances

Symbo:Three overlapping crescents in a circle black
Ground :White
Number & Colour :6 & Black
Example :Bacteria, Viruses, Medical waste, Blood samples

Class 7 :Radioactive Material
Example :Uranium, Platinum, Thorium, Radionuclear Substances


Class :7A Category I- WHITE
Symbol :Clover Black
Ground :White
Number & Colour :7 & Black
Note :Bottom half black indicating “RADIOACTIVE”, " CONTENTS”, "ACTIVITY" and one vertical stripe of red color will follow the word “RADIOACTIVE”


Class :7B Category II- YELLOW
Symbol :Clover Black
Ground :Upper half yellow within white borders, bottom half white
Number & Colour :7 & Black  
Note :
Bottom half black indicating “RADIOACTIVE”, " CONTENTS”. "ACTIVITY" and In a box with a black outer line indicating “TRANSPORT İNDEX ” and two vertical stripes of red color will follow the word “RADIOACTIVE”


Class :7C Category III- YELLOW
Symbol :Clover Black
Ground :Upper half yellow within white borders, bottom half white
Number & Colour :7 & Black
Note :Bottom half black indicating “RADIOACTIVE”, " CONTENTS”. "ACTIVITY" and In a box with a black outer line indicating “TRANSPORT İNDEX ” and three vertical stripes of red color will follow the word “RADIOACTIVE”


Class :7E Fissile material
Ground :White
Number & Colour :7 & Black
Note :Upper half black indicating “FISSILE" Bottom half black in a box with corners indicating "CRITICALITY SAFETY INDEX ..."

Class 8 :Corrosive Substances


Symbol :Liquids pouring from two glass pipes and attacking metal with one hand Black
Ground :Upper half white, bottom half black within white borders
Number & Colour :8 & White
Example :Sulfuric acid, Hydrochloric acid, Acetic acid, Mercury, Battery water, Nitric acid 

Class 9 :Various Hazardous Substances and Objects, Including Substances Harmful to the Environment 
Example :Internal Combustion Appliances, Engines, Dry Ice ,Magnetized Materials, Polymer Balls, Lithium Battery 


Class :9
Symbol :Upper half seven vertical stripes black
Ground :White
Number & Colour :Underlined 9 & Black


Class :9A
Symbol :Upper half seven vertical stripes black, bottom half battery group and defective flame emitting battery black
Ground :White
Number & Colour :Underlined 9 & Black

The 11th "Türkiye Innovation Week," hosted by the Turkish Exporters Assembly (TİM), took place on October 10-11-12 at the Haliç Congress Center

The 11th "Türkiye Innovation Week," hosted by the Turkish Exporters Assembly (TİM), took place on October 10-11-12 at the Haliç Congress Center

The 11th "Türkiye Innovation Week," hosted by the Turkish Exporters Assembly (TİM), took place on October 10-11-12 at the Haliç Congress Center...



If the containers supplied by the carrier are not returned to the carrier after being unloaded by the consignee within the free time specified in the tariff, the delay fee which the carrier has the right to demand from the consignee or the shipper in accordance with the provisions of the bill of lading, and which is processed for each day of delay, is called “container demurrage”.

Packaging Material, Plastic Products & Scrap

Packaging Material, Plastic Products & Scrap

Plastic products play an important role in the production processes of many industries as raw materials. In addition, the product of packaging material has a very wide market as an industry.

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