
Customer Advisory About The Strike At The Ports Of Usec And Gulf Area and Update For "The Port Disruption Surhcharge (PDS)”

Please kindly be advised that International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) and United States Maritime Alliance (USMX have reached a tentative agreement on a new six-year ILA-USMX Master Contract, subject to ratification, thus averting any work stoppage on January 15, 2025.

Turkon USA Line - Port Disruption Surcharge (PDS) Announcement

We will keep you posted about the possible strikes...

General Rate Adjustment (GRA)

In order to provide you with reliable and continuous service...

The Strike at the port of USEC and GULF area and update for '' The Port Disruptions Surcharge (PDS)

International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) and United States Maritime Alliance (USMX)” have reached a tentative agreement to re-open container terminals at East and Gulf Coast ports and they have agreed to extend the Master Contract until January 15, 2025 to return to the bargaining table to negotiate all other outstanding issues.

General Rate Increase (GRI)

In face of the rising the operational costs due to the increase on "export" demands to the Egypt...

War Risk Surcharge (WRS)

Due to recent developments in Lebanon, we announce that...

The Potential Work Stoppage at US East Coast Terminals

The negotiations between “International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA)” and “United States Maritime Alliance...

Port Disruption Surcharge (PDS)

The negotiations between “International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA)”...

NWC - Empty Equipment Repositioning Surcharge (ERS)

The empty container positioning costs continue to increase rapidly at the time when we are endeavouring...

Turkon USA Line - Empty Equipment Repositioning Surcharge -2 (ERS2)

The empty container positioning costs continue to increase rapidly at the time when we are endeavouring...

General Rate Increase (GRI)

In face of the rising the operational costs due to the increase on "export" demands to the US ports recently...

Turkon USA Line - Empty Equipment Repositioning Surcharge (ERS)

The empty container positioning costs continue to increase rapidly at the time when we are endeavouring to provide...

Turkon USA Line - Equipment Imbalance Surcharge (EIS)

An import-export imbalance has been occuring due to the recent increase in export demands to US ports. As a result of the actions...

Turkon USA Line Peak Season Surcharge (PSS)

With the ongoing increase in export demand to USA ports, in order to provide you with reliable and continuous...

Equipment Imbalance Surcharge (EIS)

Due to the on going increase in export demand, we announce that “EQUIPMENT IMBALANCE SURCHARGE (EIS)” will...

Turkon Line Celebrates 25th Anniversary

Turkon Line Celebrates 25th Anniversary

Turkon Line was established to transport containers to USA which has a very important place in world maritime trade has become the first Turkish company by providing the shortest transit time in its industry.

Bill of lading

Bill of lading

In this section, you can find the terms and conditions of the bill of lading for maritime transport provided by Turkon Container Transport and Shipping Inc. Details of these terms are listed in PDF below.

Chemicals, Flammables & Explosives / Classification of Dangerous Goods, IMDG Code & Labels

Chemicals, Flammables & Explosives / Classification of Dangerous Goods, IMDG Code & Labels

Chemical products have an indispensable importance as raw materials in many sectors. However, since these products are generally classified as hazardous materials, they cannot be handled like other cargo groups.

You can track every stage of your container here.
You can access up-to-date vessel schedules.

You can find the contact information of our Regional, Country Offices and Agencies here.